
How To Set Healthy Boundaries With An Addict

In all of our relationships, nosotros have different standards of behavior we consider appropriate. If a person behaves in a way that is outside of the standards we set, it negatively affects us.

Determining what is advisable behavior for ourselves in dissimilar situations takes time. We take to larn how to speak upward for ourselves to say clearly what we desire, tell another person how information technology would exist beneficial for them to say "aye" to our request and, perchance, negotiate a compromise if our first request is turned down. Those are skills that nosotros don't acquire overnight.

We also need to learn how to say "no" to requests at times. Sometimes, we observe it's like shooting fish in a barrel to pass up a request when maxim "yep" would exist an affront to our dignity or self-worth. When living with an addict, saying "no" and sticking to it becomes more difficult.

If you live with someone struggling with an addiction, you desire to ensure your loved ane is condom and good for you. It'south not always easy to realize that by proverb "yes" to some requests — even ones that seem important to their well-being — you may be enabling the drug use. Setting boundaries and sticking to them is very important if your goal is to get your loved one aid for their drug addiction.


What Are Healthy Boundaries?

All relationships need to have boundaries. They are the limits that each person places on their relationships to protect themselves. Good boundaries allow us to go close to our family members and friends, and share our thoughts and emotions with them. They also protect the states from harm.

Ideally, each person knows and understands what they need to feel safety in a relationship. They know what is healthy and what is toxic.

What Are Unhealthy Boundaries?

In reality, though, many people's experiences with boundaries are skewed by the family unit relationships they experienced while growing up. They carry this feel with them into adulthood. Even if it isn't something a person is consciously enlightened of when interacting with others, it tin can have a meaning impact on their relationships.

For some people who grew upwardly in a dysfunctional family, they may have learned that the best manner to get their needs met is to put their own needs first and ignore the needs of others. On the other hand, you may respond in the exact opposite way. If you had a demanding parent who was loud and insisted on getting their own way, you may grow upwardly to exist the type of adult who simply wants to get along and will do anything to keep the peace in the family.

Another way in which boundaries get blurred is when someone confuses love with sympathy. While a parent or sibling wants their child or loved one to exercise well and be successful, at that place can be a point at which helping a person crosses over to enabling. At that betoken, the person receiving the assistance is no longer beingness treated as an contained person. They are having things done for them that they can — and should — be doing for themselves.

The Challenges of Loving Someone Addicted to Drugs

It's very difficult to bargain with a loved one who is living with an habit. There is no standard screening exam to diagnose this chronic, relapsing status. Family members oft struggle for some fourth dimension, often years, trying to make sense of how the person they knew could modify completely under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Ane of the most challenging aspects of loving someone who has an addiction is reconciling the person yous dearest with their negative behavior. Once the addiction becomes established, it seems as though the person changes personalities. They become someone who is selfish and entitled, and volition do anything it takes to ensure they keep getting their drug of choice. This can include making promises that are not kept, outright lying or stealing to keep the drug supply constant.

Even though the person you dearest would usually never steal from you, drugs have a powerful outcome and cause people to act uncharacteristically. Yous may find that cash lying around the house is gone, or your bank account is lower than it should be. Yous may also observe property are missing every bit your loved one sells them to get the money they need to feed their habit.

When someone struggling with habit has no other way to get money, they may even resort to retail theft. Many addicts steal cans of babe formula to resell and brand money. Theft of baby formula has increased over the past x years and now costs retailers billions of dollars. Washington, D.C.-based merchandise group, The Food Marketing Institute, revealed that formula was the fourth most shoplifted item from shop shelves (2004).


How to Support an Addict by Setting Boundaries

Thank you to science, nosotros at present know that addiction is a brain disease. It has powerful symptoms and can alter the structure of the brain. Addiction is not a character or moral weakness, and no 1 chooses to become addicted.

That's why information technology tin be incommunicable to become your loved 1 to terminate using past simply loving them or reasoning with them. A person who is addicted is ill, in the same way that anyone living with a chronic affliction is sick. They demand professional handling. The addicted person needs to feel uncomfortable in their lifestyle to consider handling a viable pick. Otherwise, they will continue using drugs, equally they don't have an incentive to stop and consider treatment.


While your loved one is sick, you can't utilise the disease as an excuse for their behavior. Doing so will enable your loved ane to continue using, and it won't become them motivated to seek treatment. Your main goal is to go your loved one the help they need. This includes "tough love." What may feel like turning your dorsum on someone you intendance about could be exactly what your loved one needs to realize how bad the addiction has become. When they realize they need help, they'll be motivated to go it.

Becoming frustrated with your loved one — yelling at them or crying in front of them — may feel better in the moment. Unless your loved one accepts the fact they have an addiction, however, it doesn't help the underlying state of affairs. Irresolute the family unit dynamic and putting up boundaries to the aficionado'south beliefs can help your loved one have they have an addiction.

Family members who accept been living with the chaos that oft comes along with an addiction can expect to meet with some resistance when they try to introduce boundaries into the relationship. Addicts practice not like to be told their behavior is no longer adequate, and they will take to take responsibility for their actions. If they continue to use drugs and are unwilling to go for handling, they demand to understand in that location will be consequences to their actions.

Setting Boundaries for Families of Addicts: How It Helps Anybody

For many families, a whole shift in the dynamic has to occur before they tin offset to ready boundaries for an fond loved one. Chances are, your family unit has spent a lot of time, endeavor and energy covering up the addiction. You have settled into your different roles and may discover the cycle difficult to break.


Oft, there are one or more family members who feel they can help their addicted loved one by protecting them from the full consequences of their actions. These family members do not want to see someone they intendance for going through withdrawal symptoms, so they provide money or drugs. They may want to avert farther conflict, and then they discount or deny the extent of the problem. They selection upwards the pieces past calling in sick for their loved i, paying their bills and providing kid care. What they see as essential support is actually enabling the addiction.

If your family has been focused on dealing with picking upwards the pieces from whatever crunch your addicted loved one has been involved in, there is usually lilliputian room left for everyday living. The needs of other family members likely take been neglected in favor the aficionado's. Setting boundaries shifts the balance of family unit relationships toward center again, every bit opposed to tipping toward the addict's needs. This is important for helping family members regain their self-esteem and go their own lives back.

When you ready boundaries, your family unit can commencement acting every bit a unit. You will accept a greater sense of stability, since you lot have a gear up of ground rules that everyone agrees to follow. The disease volition no longer exist in charge of running the household.

How to Choose Boundaries

A family dealing with an addicted loved one should fix boundaries or rules to identify the behavior that they will consider acceptable — and the behavior they won't.

To ready effective boundaries, your family needs to:

  • Concord on the boundaries
  • Uphold the boundaries with consequences


If your family needs to choose boundaries for an addicted loved i, start with the about simple ane: No drug use will be allowed in our domicile or effectually our family members.

From there, you tin can determine what kinds of boundaries fit your item state of affairs. When deciding on boundaries, the goal is not to choose ones that are "easy" to stick to. Instead, choose ones that volition near probable help your loved one take responsibleness for their deportment — instead of having family members or others step in to deal with it. The more than your loved i has to face up to these consequences, the more than likely they will consider getting help.

When creating your listing of boundaries, make it clear that:

  • "No drug utilize" also includes any drug paraphernalia.
  • No one under the influence of drugs is welcome in your home. There volition be no exceptions to this rule.
  • Family members are to be treated respectfully.
  • The family unit will not wait for your loved i to show upwards when plans have been made to attend an effect or go on an outing.
  • Family members will no longer listen to your loved one cast blame on anyone or annihilation for their personal state of affairs.
  • No one in the family unit will phone call in sick for your loved one if they are unable to go to work.
  • The family is no longer prepared to lie to anyone to cover up for your loved i, under any circumstances.
  • If your loved one is arrested for a DUI accuse or any other reason, the family volition not contact an attorney or bail them out of jail.
  • The family is no longer willing to give or lend coin to your loved one.
  • The family is no longer willing to pay your loved one's rent or bills, or provide food.

The purpose of setting boundaries is to identify the aficionado's behavior that has been hard or hurtful to the family — and put a stop to it. While y'all can't control your loved one's actions, you lot can control how y'all reply to them.


Encourage your family unit members to listing the behaviors they find problematic. Encounter every bit a family to compare your lists. Compile a listing that covers everyone's concerns and brand certain you all agree on the boundaries. For boundaries to work, anybody needs to exist committed to upholding them.

Setting up Consequences

Information technology can be difficult to stand your ground and be firm when your addicted family member is upset and promising to modify, even if information technology'south something they have said many times before. If your family believes your loved 1 has control of their addiction or can somehow "volition" themselves to get better, you will be influenced past these types of pleas.

When everyone accepts the fact that habit is a disease that needs professional assist, the family unit unit will take the strength it needs to set and go along boundaries. To go on boundaries, you also need to decide on the consequences if your loved ane breaks the boundaries.

Make a list of the consequences your loved one will face if they suspension the boundaries. Your list can include:

  • Reporting any thefts to the police
  • Request your loved ane to leave if they evidence up nether the influence
  • Taking away visitation


All of these examples are logical consequences of a person'due south actions. If your loved one doesn't respect the new boundaries the family unit has prepare, then they will be subject to the event of their actions.

How to Tell Your Loved One About the Boundaries

It's important your addicted loved one knows the family has established new rules.

Once your family has decided and agreed on the boundaries and consequences, you'll need to let your loved i know the situation within the family has changed. Be prepared for this conversation to exist emotionally charged — addicts practise not similar to exist told they volition no longer exist able to get the things they need from their family.

To tell your loved one about the boundaries and consequences:

  • Choose a time when your loved one is non nether the influence.
  • Have your whole family there to show a united front end.
  • Showtime the conversation from a place of love. Explain how anybody wants to meet your loved one good for you and happy.
  • Talk about how you decided to ready boundaries out of dearest. Explain that you want your loved one to get help, merely you tin can't forcefulness them to. The only matter you lot tin do is change how you react to your loved ane's actions.
  • Review the boundaries the family has decided on, every bit well as any consequences you accept adamant will happen if your loved 1 violates them.
  • Ask your loved one to get help.


You as well need to be prepared for the conversation not to stop in your loved one getting help. While you may experience equally if you were unsuccessful, a conversation like this one — and the boundaries you follow after — can exist the influencing cistron that ultimately helps your loved one acknowledge to their addiction and seek treatment.

To increment the chances of success, consult with an interventionist. They can help your family define the boundaries and consequences, then they can mediate the meeting. An experienced interventionist tin continue the word focused and assistance ensure emotions don't become out of hand.


Boundaries an Fond Person Sets

In drug addiction treatment, clients larn how to set healthy boundaries for themselves. They learn how to say "no" to their one-time lifestyle. This includes non going to places where they used to go to go drugs. This may mean having to avoid certain neighborhoods or taking a different route when going to work or visiting friends.

A more challenging purlieus clients in recovery face up is with past friends. Making the determination to end a toxic friendship or finding out you no longer have annihilation in common with a friend is hard. Learning how to say "no" to friends who don't back up your recovery is critical.

You need to let your support network know what is acceptable and what isn't. Inviting you to a party a few weeks subsequently your intensive handling ends is non supporting your recovery. Downplaying your addiction or using in front of yous is as well not supportive. Yous need to allow your friends know what yous need. The ones who respect your boundaries are the ones you lot desire to proceed in your life.

Clients also learn how to ready boundaries for themselves that create and protect a healthy lifestyle. This includes getting regular do, making sure to go to bed at the same time every night, getting enough residue, eating a balanced diet and avoiding junk nutrient. You need to identify your boundaries of what is adequate to your healthy lifestyle and what isn't. For instance, while eating a slice of birthday cake is acceptable, eating half of the cake in a binge-eating session is non.

When you gear up boundaries for yourself, you develop self-esteem and self-worth. You know what to say "no" to and what supports your long-term recovery.


Aid for Loved Ones of Addicts

If you are concerned about a loved one who may demand help for drug addiction, 12 Keys Rehab is here. Our experienced interventionists can help your family define boundaries, set realistic consequences and communicate them effectively to your loved one. We can also help y'all get everything in place should your loved one decide to enter handling.

At 12 Keys, your loved i volition go a customized treatment program for their specific needs, challenges, goals and interests. Through a range of treatment modalities — from fourth dimension-tested therapies such every bit Cerebral Behavioral to evidence-based treatments such as EMDR — your loved ane will experience holistic healing.

Y'all can benefit from our family therapy in which you'll heal cleaved bonds and learn new effective ways of supporting your loved 1'due south long-term sobriety. Contact 12 Keys Rehab today for help getting your loved i started on their unique route to recovery.


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